Proud to support World Mental Health Day
Today Ellis Jones Solicitors are taking part in World Mental Health Day to encourage others to share their experiences with the view to raising awareness.
Our main aims at the moment are to:
1.Raise awareness amongst our staff by promoting World Mental Health Day and sharing some of our staff’s experiences; and to
2.Highlight the help available to our staff from, in particular, LawCare.
Throughout November, December and January the firm will be fundraising for the incredible charity LawCare. Firm wide we will be fundraising through our Ellis Jones Day which is held on the last Friday of each month and invites staff to dress down and to make a donation to charity. We will also be inviting a representative from LawCare in to speak to our staff and provide us with some visual materials to display around our offices.
LawCare is a charity that promotes and supports good mental health and wellbeing across the legal community in the UK and Ireland. Their vision ‘is of a legal community that values, promotes and supports good mental health and wellbeing.’ Their
services provide help and assistance to all branches of the legal profession, from students in training to those in retirement.
LawCare offer a confidential helpline to talk without judgement, available to help 365 days a year with calls answered by trained staff and volunteers who have first-hand experience of working in the law. They also have a network of peer supporters
that can help.
Life in the law can be tough. If you need to talk to professionals please call LawCare’s free, independent and confidential helpline on 0800 279 6888 or find information, support and factsheets at
If you or your connections are not within the legal sector there is a wealth of other support out there:
How can we help?
When you submit this form an email will be sent to the relevant department who will contact you within 48 hours. If you require urgent advice please call 01202 525333.