Ellis Jones Day
Here at Ellis Jones Solicitors, the last Friday of every month is known as Ellis Jones Day. This is a specific day of the month where everyone in the firm is motivated to raise money for a specific charity and to building stronger connections between departments and colleagues themselves.
Every three months the staff at Ellis Jones choose a charity to raise money for, in this quarter we have been fundraising for the YMCA.
This day is dedicated to showing and practising our firm’s core values, to making strong connections, take on responsibility, to provide support and create a positive environment. We encourage talking face to face rather than via email or over the phone to make and improve our connections.
In addition to raising money for our chosen charity, we also get involved with Football for Cancer. Using their scratch cards we are able to encourage staff to take part and donate money to the charity. We encourage our staff to raise as much as they can for charity and make a change to the firm through showing our core values where they can.
We are incredibly proud of our staff and all of the extra activities they get involved in, alongside all of the hard work they put in to their everyday tasks.
For more information on Ellis Jones Day, please click here.
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