Group Litigation
Litigation can be a stressful experience, particularly if you are taking action against a large corporate body that has the resources and expertise to defend a claim to trial and beyond. Individuals are often made to feel like the ‘underdog’ in these situations and sometimes the risks associated with litigation can deter those with a valid claim from pursuing legal action.
Group Litigation is becoming more common in the UK as a means of individual claimants with similar complaints and claims joining together to take collective action against large corporations.
By taking action as a group, the risks and costs of court proceedings are reduced, as they are shared amongst all members of the group. This therefore enables the individuals within the group to compete on an even playing field with the wrongdoer.
Group litigation also permits and encourages multiple claimants to share their knowledge and legal documentation, which can assist in strengthening the claim.
This is therefore an invaluable way to access justice, particularly for those who may have previously been discouraged from doing so. History has taught us that there is strength in numbers and it can be the same for litigation.
How we can help
Our dedicated and experienced lawyers are happy to spend time talking with you about any potential claim you may have, and how it might fit into a larger group litigation.
It does not matter how large or small your claim might be, if you have a valid claim, we will always consider the most appropriate and cost-effective way to seek compensation for you. This might lead to legal action by way of group litigation with other individuals who have similar complaints.
We are able to offer flexible fee arrangements and may be able to act on a ‘no-win no-fee’ basis, if appropriate. Our priority is ensuring we achieve the best outcome for you.
- Bank and Advisor Misconduct
- Financial Distress and Debt Restructuring
- Financial Product Mis-selling
- Endowment Policy Mis-selling
- Group Litigation
- How do I get an injunction?
- Interest Rate Hedging Product Mis-selling
- Loan and Overdraft Disputes
- Mortgage Mis-selling
- Pension Mis-selling – When you receive poor advice on your pension investment
- Personal Guarantees
- Rate Manipulation
- RBS Global Restructuring Group
Our Experts
Here to help
Our specialist teams can provide full service legal advice and assistance, providing practical and cost-effective solutions.