Laura Allen

Digital Marketing Specialist

DATE PUBLISHED: 05 May 2023 LAST UPDATED: 18 Jul 2024

Lessons Learnt in Business – Rise & Shine Networking Breakfast

Start your day with the Ellis Jones Rise & Shine Breakfast Club, for the rising stars among our local business community.

Last month we hosted another successful Rise & Shine Networking Breakfast event with guest speaker Warren Munson, Founder of Evolve. Warren gave insight on the lessons learnt in business throughout his career and shared the highs and lows of launching and scaling a successful business. He highlighted the importance of staying true to your founding principals which can sometimes get lost along the way.

The second part of the morning was focused on the importance of communication which was demonstrated via an engaging exercise that had everyone up on their feet and moving around the room. Despite the early start, everyone was enthusiastic and there was a fantastic buzz in the room.

The room was split into teams of 6 people. One person from the team was given an image which they then had to describe to another member of their team, that second team member had to pass on this information to the next member of the team and so on (like Chinese whispers). The final person to receive the description of the image had to recreate and draw the image based on the information provided, testing the effectiveness of the rest of the team’s communication. Safe to say there were some…interesting drawings!

Ellis Jones Rise & Shine Breakfast Club is a networking breakfast for junior professionals from all areas of business. The event provides an incredible opportunity for peers to connect with like-minded individuals and build working relationships and a network of contacts.

As a firm we are passionate in supporting our junior level employees further their career and we encourage our trainee and newly qualified solicitors to join this vibrant network. If you are interested in finding out more about our staff experiences at Ellis Jones, click one of the articles below:

Flamingo Café were once again excellent hosts for the event, providing a buffet breakfast and drinks in a stylish setting.

The next Rise & Shine breakfast club is on Thursday 20th July. The focus will be on ‘Imposter Syndrome’ with guest speaker, Victoria Riddleston, Partner & Solicitor at Ellis Jones.

We are holding these events quarterly and at each event, a new speaker shall be joining us, to share their experiences and knowledge.

If you would like to speak to a member of the Ellis Jones Events Team please call 01202 525333 or email us at

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