Katie Taft

Partner, Solicitor & Mediator

DATE PUBLISHED: 06 Apr 2017 LAST UPDATED: 22 Mar 2021

Supreme Court Rules on Taking Children out of School for a Holiday

The Supreme Court has today ruled against a Father who was fined for taking his child out of school during term time without reasonable excuse.

Mr Platt took his daughter out of school during term time for 1 week for the purposes of a holiday. He received a fine of £60 (later increasing to £120) and argued that fining parents in these circumstances took rights away from parents to make decisions about their children.

After numerous appeals, the Supreme Court has ruled that parents should have to comply with rules set by schools and education authorities. The Court said that taking children out of school without reasonable excuse (such as illness) would not only be disruptive to their learning but would also be disruptive for the teachers and the rest of the class.

This ruling sends a clear message to parents that removing children from school for the purpose of a holiday is not acceptable and they can expect to receive a fine if they do so. However, it remains to be seen whether this acts as a deterrent to parents given the significant disparity in the cost of holidays during term time and school holidays.

Katie Taft is an expert in cases involving children being taken abroad. Should you require any further advice or assistance please don’t hesitate to contact Katie on 01202 636 223 or by email at katie.taft@ellisjones.co.uk

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