Asya Panchalieva

Associate Solicitor and Mediator

Family Law

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“Very open-minded attitude to communication and a cohesive way of doing things.”

Family Law – Chambers & Partners 2022

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“The team at Ellis Jones has a fantastic knowledge of their subject and a real empathy for clients, I would always recommend them”

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My Approach

To understand client’s circumstances and provide clear approach to get to the heart of the problem and give straightforward and practical advice to resolve the issues. As a member of Resolution, I believe in a constructive way of working with professionals and clients in order to achieve a good result with as little conflict as possible. If the matter cannot be settled outside of Court, and proceedings are necessary, I am confident representing clients providing the matter is within my expertise and abilities.

Area of Expertise

• Arrangements for children to include residence, contact, shared care with or without issues around domestic abuse and risk of harm to children;
• Proceedings concerning specific issues such as urgent return of children, holidays abroad, international relocation with children, disputes concerning education, change of surname, medical treatment;
• Child abduction and child protection to include detailed knowledge of Children Services involvement and Care proceedings;
• All aspects of divorce/civil partnership and matrimonial finance to include pension issues, property portfolios, maintenance, assets freezing injunctions and family owned businesses;
• Protection from domestic abuse to include urgent Non Molestation and Occupation Orders;
• Unmarried couples’ disputes to include issues concerning properties and financial provisions for children;
• Cohabitation Agreements.

Recent Work

• Representing a client in a reported child abduction case where the mother fled from Italy to the UK with the children due to significant domestic abuse;
• Representing a wife in a complex matrimonial finance matter where the husband’s inherited property/inheritance was in issue as there was a dispute between the beneficiaries;
• Representing a wife where the husband’s buy to let property portfolio was investigated and his business partner was made an intervenor as he had an interest in the properties, to include investigating their joint business;
• Representing a mother in care proceedings following allegations of child sexual abuse. She was convicted in the criminal court with a lengthy custodial sentence and thereafter dealing with her matrimonial finance matter whilst she was in prison and the argument of how and whether her conduct had to be taken into account when deciding the finances;
• Representing clients in children proceedings with significant allegations of domestic abuse and dealing with lengthy Fact Finding Hearings;
• Representing a client in Schedule 1 and TOLATA proceedings relating to financial provisions sought from the father who was resident abroad and very wealthy, and the parents were not married;
• Representing clients with mental health difficulties, addiction issues and lacking capacity;
• Advising on all types of family matters to include divorce, finance, children and protection from violence.

Professional Associations & Qualifications

• Resolution Accredited Specialist in Children Law (Private) and Finance;
• Member of Resolution;
• Qualified as a Solicitor in November 2010;
• BPP, London – Professional Skills Course;
• College of Law, London – Legal Practice Course (Distinction);
• University of Huddersfield – Graduate Diploma in Law;
• University of St Cyril and Methodius, Bulgaria – Law Degree

My Approach

To understand client’s circumstances and provide clear approach to get to the heart of the problem and give straightforward and practical advice to resolve the issues. As a member of Resolution, I believe in a constructive way of working with professionals and clients in order to achieve a good result with as little conflict as possible. If the matter cannot be settled outside of Court, and proceedings are necessary, I am confident representing clients providing the matter is within my expertise and abilities.

Area of Expertise

• Arrangements for children to include residence, contact, shared care with or without issues around domestic abuse and risk of harm to children;
• Proceedings concerning specific issues such as urgent return of children, holidays abroad, international relocation with children, disputes concerning education, change of surname, medical treatment;
• Child abduction and child protection to include detailed knowledge of Children Services involvement and Care proceedings;
• All aspects of divorce/civil partnership and matrimonial finance to include pension issues, property portfolios, maintenance, assets freezing injunctions and family owned businesses;
• Protection from domestic abuse to include urgent Non Molestation and Occupation Orders;
• Unmarried couples’ disputes to include issues concerning properties and financial provisions for children;
• Cohabitation Agreements.

Recent Work

• Representing a client in a reported child abduction case where the mother fled from Italy to the UK with the children due to significant domestic abuse;
• Representing a wife in a complex matrimonial finance matter where the husband’s inherited property/inheritance was in issue as there was a dispute between the beneficiaries;
• Representing a wife where the husband’s buy to let property portfolio was investigated and his business partner was made an intervenor as he had an interest in the properties, to include investigating their joint business;
• Representing a mother in care proceedings following allegations of child sexual abuse. She was convicted in the criminal court with a lengthy custodial sentence and thereafter dealing with her matrimonial finance matter whilst she was in prison and the argument of how and whether her conduct had to be taken into account when deciding the finances;
• Representing clients in children proceedings with significant allegations of domestic abuse and dealing with lengthy Fact Finding Hearings;
• Representing a client in Schedule 1 and TOLATA proceedings relating to financial provisions sought from the father who was resident abroad and very wealthy, and the parents were not married;
• Representing clients with mental health difficulties, addiction issues and lacking capacity;
• Advising on all types of family matters to include divorce, finance, children and protection from violence.

Professional Associations & Qualifications

• Resolution Accredited Specialist in Children Law (Private) and Finance;
• Member of Resolution;
• Qualified as a Solicitor in November 2010;
• BPP, London – Professional Skills Course;
• College of Law, London – Legal Practice Course (Distinction);
• University of Huddersfield – Graduate Diploma in Law;
• University of St Cyril and Methodius, Bulgaria – Law Degree


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