
Expert management and personal healthcare advice

Our experts at Ellis Jones can manage all of your financial affairs, from assisting in connection with the sale of your house to ensuring that the correct Benefits are being applied for and that all your bills are kept up to date. Our team pride themselves on dealing with our older generation, who may not have their family close by and sometimes are in the unfortunate position of having no one to assist them. We strive to assist our clients in a friendly and caring manner, listening to their concerns and taking these into account at all times.

If you have concerns about a neighbour, friend, or relative who you believe may be a victim of financial abuse, or not being cared for, our team can assist with this in a patient and caring manner, pursuing the correct channels in order to safeguard the person in need. So often there are real concerns about someone, and the true extent of the issues are not discovered or realised, sadly, until the person dies.

It’s often the case that an elderly, vulnerable person has no one to speak on their behalf, our experienced lawyers are experts at assisting in these types of cases. Our team has raised safeguarding issues to the Office of the Public Guardian, Social Services, and the Police, as well as attended at Crown Court to give evidence in a complex case, involving the financial abuse of an elderly and vulnerable person.

Helping with a wide range of healthcare issues

There are times when a person has lost capacity and is unable to make a Will. A function of the Court of Protection is to authorise the making of Statutory Wills, which, once made, cannot be challenged after a person has died. Our experienced team of personal healthcare lawyers are able to assist with these types of applications, as well as:

  • Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs)
  • Deputyship applications to the Court of Protection
  • General Management of Financial Affairs
  • Safeguarding, Best Interest meetings, financial abuse and undue influence
  • Advising families with children who have learning difficulties on Trusts
  • Court of Protection and Statutory Wills

LPAs and Deputyship applications

Making LPAs whilst you are still able to communicate your wishes is the ideal situation, but unfortunately, not everyone has a trusted relative or friend who can act as an Attorney for either property and financial affairs or health and welfare, or both. On those occasions it’s possible to appoint a Partner of Ellis Jones to act on your behalf, ensuring that your wishes are always taken into consideration, should you become incapacitated. Our team of specialist healthcare lawyers ensure that we are aware of your wishes and always act in your best interests.

Sadly, some people often leave making LPAs too late and are no longer able to do so due to disability, illness, dementia, accident, or advancing years. Again, this is an area where we can offer specialist assistance, as we have extensive experience in advising on applications to the Court of Protection for a Deputyship Order. If there is no trusted relative or friend who can be appointed, then a Partner Ellis Jones can be appointed to ensure that your needs and wishes are always at the forefront, and that everything would be done in your best interests.

Specialist personal healthcare lawyers

At Ellis Jones, we are keen to ensure that all individuals are treated with respect and compassion and that everything is done in their best interests and in accordance with the MCA 2005. Our team of experienced healthcare lawyers has assisted numerous individuals in matters relating to the above, particularly in cases where the client has no trusted person to rely on to deal with their affairs.

If any of the above is helpful and you wish to discuss this further, get in touch or speak to a member of the team on 01202 057826 to have a no-obligation discussion on how Ellis Jones can help you.

How can we help?

When you submit this form an email will be sent to the relevant department who will contact you within 48 hours. If you require urgent advice please call 01202 525333.

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302 Charminster Road
01202 525333
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02039 784720
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14a Haven Road
Canford Cliffs
BH13 7LP
01202 709898
Contact Poole Poole
Monmouth Court
Southampton Road
BH24 1HE
01425 484848
Contact Ringwood Ringwood
55 High Street
BH19 2LT
01929 422233
Contact Swanage Swanage
39a East Street
BH21 1DX
01202 057676
Contact Wimborne Wimborne